Reset your Password
Visit the login page, click on Reset Password and enter the email address you sign in with. An email will be sent to you, follow the links in that email to reset your password.
Check your junk/spam folder also in case the reset email lands there.
If you do not receive a reset email, the email you have entered may not be registered with us and you may need to join.
Resetting your Password
You can log into your account with your existing password and update it.
Once you have logged in, click on My Account and then Change Password. Please ensure your password is a strong password and 12 characters or more. A strong password is a unique password including lowercase letters, uppercase letters, numbers, and special characters. It shouldn’t include any sensitive information.
Remember, your login password is used to log into your My Ticketek account only. It is not used to access presales or special offers on the event page.
What should I do if I receive a password reset email I didn’t request?
If you have received an email to reset your password that you didn’t request, follow the steps below to secure your account:
- Sign into your Ticketek account from the Ticketek homepage.
- Review and edit your Account details as appropriate.
- Ensure your account is safe with a strong password of 12 characters or more. A strong password is a unique password including lowercase letters, uppercase letters, numbers, and special characters. It shouldn’t include any sensitive information.